Few weeks ago I was on a mission trip with a couple of my friends. And on our way to the city of Nagpur, we lost control of the vehicle and it overturned. Although there was major damage to the vehicle, nothing happened to us. We had experienced God’s protection and were grateful to realize that He hasn’t finished His work in and through us.
While we were completely stranded in a no man's land for about 16 hours waiting for help, I was dying to sleep as I just wanted to give my back some rest. Eventually after a couple of hours I got frustrated both physically and emotionally, as a result I vented it out all to my heavenly Father. Right there the Holy Spirit reminded me of 2 Corinthians 12:9 which says "my grace is sufficient for you". As I meditated on this verse, I realized that God had already done so much. In fact His work was finished at the cross. He has given us His very best. He loved us when we were sinners and brought peace into our lives. What more could I expect or ask? Can I ever compare my temporary hardship with the one He had to endure for my salvation?
So many times the cross becomes a cliche for us. A repeated story and less of a priority than our present needs or problems. I’m not saying that God is not our ever present help. But don't we need to prioritize? Don’t we need to assess what is more important to us. Do we even realize what God has done for us? Can we come to a point of surrender where we can endure our hardship like Jesus who for the joy set before him endured the cross? Can we surrender our pain and be satisfied in His ever sufficient grace? Can we still rejoice in our moments of lack knowing that ‘His grace is sufficient for us’?
Today you might be completely consumed by your problems and stressed out about your life. Your circumstances might seem more important than what God has already done at the cross. Life is pretty rough and everything is a struggle right now. Let me just remind you one simple truth that His gift of grace is adequate and enough. Would you be content?
Samuel Thomas (Sam)
Sam is a Christian minister who is serving the Lord in various capacities. He is working through Cross Impact and also involved with Crossway Church. He can be reached on samvthom16@gmail.com
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