Luke 22: 15-23
God always knew the past, present and the future. But the mystery is that even when God is in complete control, He lets human decide their will. Jesus was always going to go to the cross. But Judas chose to betray and get Jesus arrested. In spite of being one of the 12 disciples, Judas became an instrument in the hands of the enemy.
We are living in a sinful world and we are always vulnerable to give into sin in some or the other way. We can be born in the best of the families, educated in the highest ranked school, attending the finest Church, working in the top most company, yet we can fall in sin and be a bad example for many around and after us.
The bottom line is let's be on our guard. Let's search into our own lives and hearts. Have we allowed sin to get in and destroy us and others around us. We must be careful.
The cross reminds us that's their is sin and that's why Jesus died of the cross. But He died not just for the forgiveness of our sins. But to give a new life, a life in abundance.
Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at
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