Famous People Who Were Slow Starters:
Winston Churchill seemed so dull as a youth that his father thought he might be incapable of earning a living in England.
Winston Churchill seemed so dull as a youth that his father thought he might be incapable of earning a living in England.
G.K. Chesterton, the English writer, could not read until he was eight. One of his teachers told him, "If we could open your head we should not find any brain but only a lump of white fat."
Thomas Edison's first teacher described him as "addled," and his father almost convinced him he was a "dunce."
Albert Einstein's parents feared their child was dull, and he performed so badly in all high school courses except mathematics that a teacher asked him to drop out.
Thomas Edison's first teacher described him as "addled," and his father almost convinced him he was a "dunce."
Albert Einstein's parents feared their child was dull, and he performed so badly in all high school courses except mathematics that a teacher asked him to drop out.
Psalm 31:1 5 My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me.
Some of us are very judgemental in nature. Quite a few feel that they are smart enough to determine the future of an individual just by one incident, action or talk. Certainly it rules out very less space for God’s control when we tend to follow all the negative voices around us. But Bible reminds us that our lives and times are in God’s hand. We need to trust and obey HIM for our present and future.
Most of us get disappointed because we place a lot of trust on people and expect many to help us get going. But in this selfish world, everyone has their own agenda and we should only and only trust God for our future. For sure HE will make it beautiful and a great blessing for many. He holds my world in HIS hands.
Most of us get disappointed because we place a lot of trust on people and expect many to help us get going. But in this selfish world, everyone has their own agenda and we should only and only trust God for our future. For sure HE will make it beautiful and a great blessing for many. He holds my world in HIS hands.
Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at Pastorstanleytisac@gmail.com
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