If we are available, He is able!
You & I are a part of a world where we all are reviewed on the basis of the work that we do, the skills that we own and the abilities that we possess. No one gives an ear unless we manage to meet a certain standard that is defined by the world.
But with God its just the opposite. He is the only one who honors us according to our availability. If we are willing to offer our lives for His kingdom and for His purpose, no matter how unworthy, sinful or unsuitable we are, you & I are always welcome in His arms and used for His Kingdom.
In Luke 5:8-9 Peter confesses "I am a sinful man" but Jesus accepts him and appoints him to fish for people, following which Peter and the sons of Zebedee leaves everything and follows Christ. God doesn't require us to be able or good enough to fulfill His plans through us. He only requires us to be willing to be used and be available for Him.
1 Peter 2:4 says "As you come to him, the living stone - rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him-", even though you lack skills and abilities that the world demands, YOU ARE PRECIOUS TO GOD. The scriptures clearly tell us that we are chosen by God. Now, with what criteria the Almighty God has chosen sinners like us? The only prerequisite required to be used by Him is to be available for Him (1Pet5:2).
Paul, in I Corinthians 2:1-5 explains how he lacked eloquence in his words, how he lacked human wisdom, and even in his weaknesses God enabled Paul to speak for Him. You & I may not be the wisest, may not be the most talented or the most proficient individual; we may lack fluency, wisdom, strength or confidence in us, we may be denied by many, but that's not how our Heavenly Father sees us. He looks at our willingness more than our effectiveness. If we are available, He is able.
Kesia Selestin
Kesia loves the Lord and is an active member of Crossway Church. She can be reached at kesiaselestin84@gmail.com
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