Thursday, 30 April 2015

Together Everyone Achieves More

Acts 3. 12 When Peter saw this, he said to them: “Fellow Israelites, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?

We are living in times of individual heroics and becoming a star overnight. We want to be famous and we want to be in demand. People go to any extent to grab attention and be the centre of attraction. Be it by hook or crook, some just want to be the hip hot and happening. There is only me, myself and mine in their world.

When God used Peter to heal the lame beggar. The people in the temple were all surprised and were looking with amazement. Of course Peter was careful enough to credit the healing to God, he also made sure that people know the fact that, God used both John and him for the healing. He could have simply brushed John aside and become the new hero in town to enjoy all the stardom. Peter and John were good friends from the very beginning and they only grew more with each other. So they knew how to behave.  

When we get to move ahead in life and are recognized for our achievements, we often fail to recognize those who have been with us in the thick of the times. Let’s not be carried away by the thing of the world and be self centred. Let’s remember Together Everyone Achieves More.  

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

You are good, Get going

Acts 3:6-7
Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” 7 Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.

One of my biggest desires in life is to encourage people to realize the purpose of their lives and be involved in God’s work in someway. Somehow people are not very excited about their life and potential . Thus it becomes very important to encourage them and help them grow in the Lord.

The lame beggar at the temple gate was surely healed by God and God alone. But he wasn’t ready to accept the fact. So Peter went ahead and helped him stand on his feet and enjoy the healing given by God. It took a Peter to tell him, hey you are good. Get going.

Everyday we meet around so many people who still don’t believe what God has already done for them. It will only take us an act of kindness, a word of encouragement and an expression of love to bring them back to their feet. Will you be that person who will go to people and let them know, You are good, Get going.

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

On the Lookout for bigger things

Acts 3.3-5
When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. 4 Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” 5 So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.

              Every Thurday I involve in helping a few eager, different age students learn guitar. One of my student is on the look out for a job. He has pretty much all the anxiety and a tension that a young adult goes through. Not surprisingly, he feels that once he gets a good job money will make everything fine.

When Peter and John entered the temple they met this lame beggar who wanted money. Strangely the beggar was outside the temple begging for money and not on the lookout for a healing. Peter and John realized that the lame beggar’s need is bigger than money.

Of Course money is important. Yes money could have helped the beggar get a meal. But then he would have to beg again. Peter and John wanted Him to receive God’s bigger gift for Him. Several times  we are concentrated so much on the money in our life, that we forget the bigger and important things. Lets be on the lookout for bigger things.

Stanley Thomas Isac

Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Monday, 27 April 2015

Something great will surely happen.

Acts 3:1One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon.

A friend of mine was very excited after a very famous Worship Concert in my city. He shared now he feels like praying and also attend fellowship. But a couple of weeks later he disappeared. He went back to his old ways and is struggling with life all the more. I dont condemn him but i am still praying for him and in touch with him. But I just feel he is far away from fulfilling the purpose of God.

Peter and John who were called by God and were given the power and authority to be His witness. They did not wait for a breakthrough or for something supernatural to happen. They continued with the normal routine. They were faithful in what they knew and were entrusted with. They were regularly going to the temple to pray. They kept on doing the same. And one of those days something great happened.

Several times you and I get bored of the routine that we have of reading the Word, praying, Fellowship and witnessing. But it is so important that we continue in it. You just don’t know when God might do something great. But you and I need to continue with what we know for now. Everyday let’s just continue doing what we are entrusted with, and one of those days something great will surely happen.

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Let God take the glory.

Acts 2:47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

In the world today majority somehow become the right thing. Facebook friends and twitter followers describe a personality more than the real facts.  We like numbers and numbers rule the game. Youtube subscribers and blog readership takes the driving seat. We like to claim our numbers cause it tell about me and my work.

In the first Century Church the number part was left with God. After the first 3000 in Acts we dont find a number of the Church members anywhere as such. It has to be understood that we can do our part and give our best. But it is God who adds to the number and gives growth. It doesn’t mean that we don’t have to do our part. We must do what has been entrusted us. Whether it be the lesson at school, Project in college, File in the office, Work at home, Preaching/teaching  assignment or singing for God. We must do our part.

The Simple fact is that these numbers should not get to our head. We must let God take the glory. The marks that we score, the promotion that we get, the position that we hold and the money that we have comes from God and God alone. We are Just receiving it in His grace. Let God take the glory.   

Stanley Thomas Isac

Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Friday, 24 April 2015

Let’s enjoy the eternal.

Acts 2.42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Most of us are on lookout for the latest offer on flipkart for gadgets. We are excited to hear of 50% off on sales on wardrobes. Every year we look forward for the same. Somehow we just love having good stuff in our hands. It just gives us some kind of confidence.

The Church in the first century was excited about learning God’s Word and Fellowshipping with people of God. They devoted themselves to the same. There was nothing more exciting more that that. It was only because they have understood the real worth of it and expecting the Lord to come back any moment.

Today, learning God’s Word and fellowshipping comes last in our priority list. It’s just because we have yet not got a glimpse of eternity. How I wish and pray that we as a Church would fall in love with the Lord completely and find Jesus more exciting than anything else.  Let’s enjoy the eternal.

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Keep your eyes on that which is constant.

             Last year me and a couple of friends went to Mussoorie, Uttarakhand for a vacation. Since there were inadequate public transports we had to use whatever was available. And one such transport we were using in those winding roads was a tempo. Since I was a child I suffered from motion sickness and winding roads were always a major problem as I would feel nauseated. During one such travel my body was just giving up inside the tempo. And the only thing that I had learnt over the years to avoid nausea is to keep my eyes on something constant. I could not see the road ahead as the tempo was closed from all sides. So I basically had to ask the driver to stop and he suggested that I sit on top of the tempo where I would have the view of the road. Well I simply had to accept his offer and in a short while I was feeling much better as I kept my eyes fixed on something that was constant.

Today we are constantly burdened with the worries of this world and our emotions run high and low all the time which distorts our direction of life. And i’m not denying the reality of these circumstances. But I just want to encourage you to look beyond your varying emotions and thoughts to someone whose emotions, plans and thoughts for you is always constant. His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). His grace is sufficient for us (2 Corinthians 12:9). His eternal love draws us near (Jeremiah 31:3). His faithfulness reaches to the skies (Psalms 36:5). Do not be burdened if you are doing enough to please God but be rest assured in what He has done for you. Let your faith be on Him than your faith itself.

I’m reminded of David while he wrote Psalms 51. He says “Lord have mercy upon me according to your faithfulness”. He wrote this after being confronted for adultery by prophet Nathan. After being convicted of his sin, he writes Psalms 51 as an act of repentance. Look at the focus of his whole Psalm. He pleads to God for mercy according to His faithfulness. Not according to David’s love, faithfulness or merit. Can we like David come to Him fixing our eyes on Him? Repentance is not just about accepting that you are a sinner and deciding not to sin. I wish that was the case as it would have worked for many. Repentance is turning your eyes away from sin and looking at Jesus. To be more Christ conscious. Keep your eyes on that which is constant.

Samuel Thomas (Sam)
Sam is a Christian minister who is serving the Lord in various capacities. He is working through Cross Impact and also involved with Crossway Church. He can be reached on

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Let’s keep calling on HIS name.

Acts 2. 21 - And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

I have met people who make things so complicated. They just don’t like others, going easy. So they make sure that others find their portion real hard way. On the other hand I have some amazing friends who keep it so simple and let others live and find their thing.

Sometimes, as we look into the personal relationship with Lord Jesus. We realize that it is so demanding. More often than not it’s just because we have complicated it. The Word reminds that just call on the name of the Lord and be saved. Let us not limit this verse to the point of contact with Jesus. But let’s be able to carry it further into a maturing relationship.

It is as simple as it can. Let’s always be calling on HIS name. That’s all what our Lord expects. Staying in touch with Him and moving ahead as per HIS plan. Let’s keep calling on HIS name.   

Stanley Thomas Isac

Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Let's keep going

Acts 2.7 - Utterly amazed, they asked: "Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans?

             The other day I heard a preacher who took pride in his humble background. I was excited by his take on the happenings in the past. Every time you and I move ahead in leadership and life, people will always look into our past.  
            The Jews from Galilee were considered 2nd class Jews. They were not respected at all in the Jewish religious society. But when Jesus began to use people for the expansion of the kingdom of God, he used ordinary Galileans. But they were not spared by the so called devout Jews. They will never.

                 When you and I are chosen and used by God in any facet of life, let's be ready to face criticism and words of discouragement. Our ministry is not defined by the brownie points some give. It is not even attested by quantity, but by the call that is placed on us. Let's us not be discouraged when people highlight our past and put us down. But let's keep going.

Stanley Thomas Isac

Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Monday, 20 April 2015

Let's hang out

Acts 2.1
Let's hang out

We are living in times which is an age of selfies. Even the latest Hotstar application says go solo. Somehow we have come to a point where we don't want to depend on anyone for anything. In that way we are stopping ourselves from achieving great things.
The promise of the Holy Spirit was given by Jesus. But the apostles and followers were expected to come together to wait on the Lord. And the best part is that they came together and wonderful things happened.

We are living in a selfish world. But that doesn't mean that we have to be a selfish. If we continue to stick to our world. We might be depriving ourselves and the society at large of some great things. So let's be able to come out of our worlds and get together. Let's hang out.  

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Wait for the right time

Acts 1.24

Wait for the right time

    Everyone desires to be a leader. In this day and age, people go to any extent to gain leadership and hold on to it. But let’s be assured that true authority comes from God and God alone. It is never wrong to have a desire to be a leader. But the intention must be true and must be part of the big picture. But are we ready to wait for our time.


    When the apostles decided to fill the void left by Judas Iscariot, they looked into the best candidates available. This was based on the simple yet so profound criteria they had. One who was with them from the baptism of John to the resurrection of Jesus. Now this was indeed a long time. Generally speaking people with such experience and expertise might not wait with such patience. But Justus and Matthias waited all the while for God’s plan in their life.


    You and I sometimes are not willing to wait for our time. Maybe God is taking us through a process. He might be training us to take charge at the right time. Remember leadership is not a hobby or emotional display, but a test of character and the ability to make the right decision at the right time. Let us be able to wait for the right time.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Go for it

Go for it
Acts 1.20

If you would have noticed, then there are opportunities everywhere. Some seize it and some let it go away. At one point or the other time in life, all of us are offered an opportunity to be leaders. It depends whether we are ready to take it with the right intention or reject it away. Facebook is a story of one man seizing an opportunity to make billion and also impacting several all over the world. Likewise we are bombarded with opportunities to make a difference in this dying world.

When Judas could not get his intentions fulfilled being with Jesus. He betrayed Jesus and finally took his own life. His place was left open. So the Apostles got together and selected Matthias. Of course not much is known about what happened to Matthias afterwards. But for sure he was going to be one of the 12 to sit on the throne to judge the 12 Jewish tribes during the judgement. Now it just can’t get better than that.

You and I have missed so many opportunities in the past. Big or small, it hardly matters. An attitude to give helps us to achieve the so called impossible. So, Lets be able to grab every opportunity that comes our way with both our hands to make a difference, and it will inturn do so so and so good for us. Go for it.

Stanley Thomas Isac

Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Thursday, 16 April 2015

“There is no team”

Acts 1.17

There was a point of time during my seminary studies when I was getting really frustrated while involving with people who were not working as per my expectation. Somehow I got in touch with one of my mentors who was a professor and a real people person. As I vented out things with him, He simply shared his heart with me. Then he told me one thing which is so fresh even today after 8 years. He said, “Son, you will never get to work with perfect people, Even the Lord didn’t”.

We look around and find so much of lacking. Not just in us but in all those around us. We are the so critical when it comes to finding others faults. Most of us would bag a gold if that was a olympic sport. So when Jesus chose His disciples, Judas was part of the gang and he did what he chose to do. People are not perfect, Sometimes they are not smart enough and not quick enough to respond to the situation. They even land you in greater mess. But lets be reminded of the fact that we are called to serve.

Even as we work with people, as most of us do in some or the other capacity in life. We will surely meet folks who are not perfect and let that not frustrate us. We should not allow this to rob our Joy. Let’s keep going doing our task faithfully and expect God to unfold his plan properly in everyone's life. You matter as an individual to the Lord. Of course the team is important, but the Leader stands first and if he is not standing. There is no team.

Stanley Thomas Isac

Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Confidence that comes from God.

15th April, Wednesday
Confidence that comes from God.
Acts 1.15

          We have always known a thing or two about confidence. When there's a leadership opportunity and the time comes to deliver we always look for some kind of motivation and inspiration to get going. Its not easy to lead specially if you have a troubled past and a poor public rapport.

            When Peter stood up to speak for the first time among the 120 after Jesus ascended to heaven, we find no opposition. There is no grumbling or complain. The 120 did not hold an account of Peter's public denial of Jesus during the arrest and trial of Jesus. John did not complain that Peter was not present at the cross. They all knew the Jesus had restored and reinstated Peter. They were ready to accept God's doing and go accordingly.  So did Peter understand the guidance of God and found his confidence in the Lord and the unity of the 120.

           When God gives us an opportunity to lead/serve he expects us to use His authority without any fear and in all the humility. But many times we are low in our Spirit and sad with our approach as we are more afraid of people's remarks and perception. Of course it is important for people to accept the leadership that comes from God. But the confidence should not be based on the acceptance of the people but the authority that comes from God and God alone.

Stanley Thomas Isac

Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

BE a witness

BE a witness
Acts 1. 8  
        I come across so many friends who express their discomfort in sharing the Love of God with others. Lets face it, Some of us are just too good at striking a conversation and get it going. Somehow it seems that those who can talk well, have an advantage. It also become a sort of USP for individuals you can’t blame them. So is it a disadvantage for the spread of the gospel ? We might think so, that if you can’t speak well, you won’t be able to witness.

We learn in Acts1.8 that technically we are not witnessing but we have to be a witness. So at the first place its not about presentation or talking and even preaching. Its simply about being the witness. To add to it, in this age with such advancement there are so many medium to express yourself. You really don’t have to be good at talking, arguing or presentation. It only takes the power from above and a lifestyle that projects God’s love. This automatically make us a witness.

If we really love the Lord, we will surely live a life which will impact others and bless them. The anointing is upon us to serve the Purpose of God in this generation. Let us not try to witness, but let us be a witness in the area where God has placed us.  

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Monday, 13 April 2015

Focussed on the Kingdom of God

Acts 1.3
I have heard of many people who have come to the Lord through some kind of a miracle. I even know so many who come to the Lord only for some kind of miracle. There is nothing wrong in knowing the Lord through a miracle or expecting a miracle. It is infact the best place to find one. But what really goes wrong is when you and I are there only for the goodies and not becoming like Christ.

When Jesus was on earth for 40 days after His resurrection he continually spoke about the Kingdom of God. To spread and instill the kingdom perspective was His motto. Even though the signs and wonders were there. It was basically to draw them closer to God and know Him better.

The Church today needs some Kingdom focused people. Individuals who are more like Christ. You and I can finish of this life just for ourselves and not make an impact on anybody’s life in any generation. Isn’t it classy to be a child of God and also behave like one ? Signs and wonders will continue to happen for the glory of God. But you and I need to be focussed on the Kingdom of God. Are we ?

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Wait in the CITY

Today will be the last blog from Gospel of Luke for the time being. From Monday on we will begin with a new series. Hope you are being blessed and benefitting out of these simple devotions. If you have any questions, comments or observations, Kindly send them to or write the same at the comments section under the article.

Luke 24:49-53

You and I have always made promises and received promises. It is really heartbreaking when one is not able to keep up the promise. The fulfilment of the promise has very straight and simple implications. It actually adds the trust factor and gives greater confidence.

When Jesus was about to leave earth to take charge in Heaven, he too left with a promise. The disciples were told to remain in the city of Jerusalem to receive power from HIGH. The task entrusted to them was so big that no ordinary power could keep them going. So they had to receive power from God to do God’s work. The disciples and the other followers responded in faith by continually fellowshipping. Indeed the Lord fulfilled His promise in the upper room. History tells us about the journey of the gospel from Jerusalem to Irian Jaya. It has indeed been a roller coaster drive.

The Lord will surely fulfill His promise of coming back to take His Church home. We don’t know when but for sure soooooon. Till then lets continue to fulfill the purpose of God for each one of our lives. Remember You and I can never achieve the purpose of God without HIS power. It is so important to wait on HIM and receive from Him. Disappointments comes when we are running with our strength. Have you been to the city lately ? Are you running with your own strength ?  

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Friday, 10 April 2015

Open mind

Luke 24 : 45-48

All of us go through bad times. if not, then tough times. Somehow It is inevitable. The best consolation is the fact that God is in complete control. Our reactions are different to situations. Some panic, some stand the ground and some are in the air. But in all the mess, there is nothing as good as a word of comfort and wise counsel. There has been times when you and I have got it and it has really helped.

The disciples were recovering from the shock of their life. Within a span of 3-4 days they had witnessed such high volatile action and reactions. They were still not calm in their hearts and minds. So When Jesus decided to speak to His disciples for the last time on earth He gave them the wisest counsel and helped them stick to the Word of God forever.

We look for advice in all the places. There is nothing wrong in seeking one. But remember even the finest of relationships on the face of earth is conditional. Whereas the love of God is unconditional. It’s so blessed to read the Word. There is no best counsel as the Word of God. One cannot find such advices in any part of the world. Today we need eyes to see God’s work and ears to hear His voice. Let us pray that he would open our minds to understand the scriptures.

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Bigger Muscles

Luke 24 : 44

While driving the other day I was listening to a talk on the existence of God in a scientific worldview. The scientists themselves doesn’t seem to have answers to several of the questions they ask themselves. It is interesting when one of the scientists says that we selectively select the problems to answer. But It’s confusing when they take a few things for granted and deny the others because it has to do with God. One is fine with the Big bang theory and says it just happened. But when it comes to God, Its like, How, Why, When ???

It is pretty much the same when we read the scripture and apply it on our practical lives. Bible is a complete revelation because Grace and law are combined and presented in the best way one can understand. We also classify that there are blessings and to the other we might say tough times. The disciples were ready to accept the blessings of Jesus to be Preachers, Leaders and Healers. But they were never sure about the cross. They just could not take it. Jesus reminded them saying that you always knew that I would be arrested, crucified, and even buried. Then why such hue and cry.

  Lets be reminded of the fact that we will always have the cross. Unless we are willing to carry the cross, we will not witness the resurrection. Our lives are in the hands of God. As we walk in the center of His will, He will help us carry the cross and be His true witness. Lets not be like the child who always wants to hear yes. But lets be able to push the big rock not to clear the space, but to have bigger muscles.   

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at