Monday, 9 November 2015

True Christian Living is Evident

Matthew 12:33; “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.”
Everyone has had either a cold or flu. Everyone is familiar with the feeling of a cold coming on. Stuffiness begin to coagulate within your system. You begin to feel weak, or perhaps even feverish. A runny nose ensues, followed by clogged up nostrils, and it becomes clear that you are entering into a time of sickness. In fact, this phenomenon even has its own season designated. It’s called “Flu season.”
Certain types of weather can bring it on, or sometimes, a weakened immune system. One thing is pretty clear, however: when you have a cold, you know it. People who get close to you knows it. You can see the look of a cold or flu victim on their face. You can see the drowsiness in their eyes. You can hear the coughing or the sneezing on the perpetual use of the handkerchief designed to address some of the more unpleasant aspects of having the cold or the flu.
It’s pretty impossible to have a cold or the flu and not have symptoms. If you’ve got a cold or the flu, it is going to show up somewhere. Its pretty impossible too to have fellowship with God and not show up. Just like the cold or the flu, it has its symptoms. It is fairly easy to recognize.
Stephen Thomas (Bobby)
Stephen is an ordained Christian Minister and a Bible teacher who is a mentor to several youth leaders in Crossway Church and around the globe. He is a regular visiting Speaker in Crossway Church, New Delhi. He can be reached at

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