Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Less of me, more of you

Listening is an art and everyone should learn it. For sure then the world will be a better place. Over the years Lord has been teaching me to listen well and I am still a poor student, but working hard to get better.
So I got to spend time with a missionary to a very backward northern state of India. Hearing stories of God's leading and providence. The striking thing being that this man of God spent the best part of his life in a big city, successfully working in a corporate and also being involved in ministry activities which brought a lot of respect. But he was not satisfied, so he moved away.
But then the Lord led him to the mission field and he plunged into ministry by faith. Even though there are hardships and difficulties, but yet he is satisfied and happy because he is walking the way in which he ought to. It's a purpose-driven life.

Joshua 3:4a Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before,
When Joshua exhorted the people of Israel to follow the ark of the covenant, it wasn't an easy task. They were people who had heard about the red sea, walked in the wilderness and ate manna every day. So they had some sort of experience and a decent understanding of God. Yet they were asked to follow God like a child. Perhaps this challenge was different and one could not depend on their own ability. That's the hardest thing to do. Trusting God fully takes a lot. Many a time we face the Jordan with our strength and might, which will never be enough. Can we let God be the only boss? Life might have concerns and troubles but it will be satisfying. Less of me, more of you.

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at Pastorstanleytisac@gmail.com

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