Thursday, 12 July 2018

Let’s stick to God

A school teacher lost her life savings in a business scheme that had been elaborately explained by a swindler. When her investment disappeared and her dream was shattered, she went to the Better Business Bureau.
"Why on earth didn't you come to us first?" the official asked. "Didn't you know about the Better Business Bureau?"
"Oh, yes," said the lady sadly. "I've always known about you. But I didn't come because I was afraid you'd tell me not to do it."
The folly of human nature is that even though we know where the answers lie--God's Word--we don't turn there for fear of what it will say.

John 21:5 He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” “No,” they answered.
Jesus had told the disciples to wait in Galilee. He had told them that he would rise on the third day. But they were not sure about this. So Peter and his friends decided to go back to their old life - fishing. They worked hard the whole night but caught nothing. There is nothing wrong with fishing and nothing wrong in earning your bread. But Peter and the other disciples of Jesus were called to be fishers of men. So God was not with them in whatever they did. So Jesus comes on the shore and ask them how’s it without me. Their answer was very clear, it’s bad.

Often when we are disappointed we go back to our old lives. The things that we came out of becomes our comfort. We are fighting the battle, that we are not called for. We are with people who are not supposed to be in our life. We are doing things which have no eternal value. Many times, we know it's not right, still we go for it. When we trust our abilities and strengths we are bound to fail. But the loving father always gives us an opportunity to come back even after a whole night of failure. Let’s stick to God.  

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

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