In Matthew 7:24–27, Jesus tells a parable that compares and contrasts two builders: one wise and one foolish. He emphasizes how critical it is to have a strong foundation. Jesus was a carpenter. As part of the firm of Joseph and Sons in Nazareth, He must have built the furniture that people put into their homes and He had probably built some of the homes as well. Jesus knew the difference between a solid house and a weak one. However, this story is not just for architects, carpenters, and contractors. It is for you and me. Building a house is simply an analogy for building a life. The point is this: You are building a life and the foundation you choose is the most important feature of your life. In the verses that follow, Jesus provides two options for building your life.
Let's look at the first option today
1. Build your life on the strong foundation (7:24–25). Jesus says, “The only way to build a strong foundation is by obeying His words.” He begins His parable in 7:24 with the word “therefore,” which looks back to the entire Sermon on the Mount. In light of His teachings, Jesus says, “Everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.” By using the word “everyone” (cf. 7:26), Jesus reveals that His words are intended for all people and for all time. He begins by stating that you must “hear” His words. In order to do so you must expose yourself to the truth. You can do this by reading the Bible, by reading Christian books, by attending church and other Bible studies, by getting involved in classes and small groups, and by meeting with Christian friends who can teach you. While this may sound quite challenging, this is what you do in every other area of your life, right? If you want to learn a skill or profession you must work hard. An athlete listens to coaches and more experienced players. An artist becomes an intern to learn from those who are more experienced. A student learns from a teacher in a classroom environment. In each of these cases, it is essential to not just hear the truth but to listen to the truth. Anyone who is married knows that there is a difference. Anyone who has a teenager knows that there is a difference between hearing and listening. The key to listening is to interact with the one doing the speaking. The best listeners I know are people who ask lots of clarifying questions such as: “What do you mean?” “Are you saying...?” “Can you explain that further?” These questions show that a person is listening. We should ask clarifying questions when reading God’s word. Is God warning me of something? Do I need to repent? Is this a promise that I can claim or a command I need to obey?
Jesus urges you to hear His words, but He doesn’t stop there. He goes on to say that you must act upon His words. If you are going to build on a solid foundation you must actually DO what Jesus wants you to do. Hearing His words is not enough. You are building your life on His words ONLY as you obey them. Let me explain: I have heard that vegetables are good for me. I believe this is true. I have even prayed that the Lord would change my taste buds and give me a desire for vegetables. Yet, I rarely obey what I know to be true by eating vegetables.
In the same way, you can hear all of Jesus’ words and know them very well, but if you don’t do what He says, you aren’t building on the right foundation. Maybe you are not like that. That’s great. You have made a commitment to obey His words. When your finances have been especially tight and you’ve been tempted to not give to the Lord, instead you trust the Lord and give in obedience. In an impure world that glorifies immorality, you choose to abstain on a daily basis. When your children have these arguments with you, you continue to persevere, loving them and sharing God’s Word with them. When you have been the victim of gossip and slander and your flesh rises up to take revenge, you choose to forgive. When there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day, you still find a way to serve Christ’s church and people in your community. God sees your heart.
Strong foundation matters. We will continue to learn a bit on the importance of strong foundation tomorrow.
Excerpt from the sermon notes of Dr. Sanjay Patra - Crossway - 22nd July 2018.
Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at
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