Uncle Oscar was apprehensive about his first airplane ride. His friends, eager to hear how it went, asked if he enjoyed the flight. "Well," commented Uncle Oscar, "it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, but I'll tell you this. I never did put all my weight down!"
Phillipians 3:5 For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh.
The word selfie gives a clear explanation of our generation, that we don’t want to depend on anyone, even to click a picture. Such is our ego that we can manage cos’ we feel we know and have it all. Apostle Paul addresses to the issue of putting trust on ourselves and not on God. People who put their confidence on things of the flesh are the real Judaizers. They do know about God and even can speak a lot about God. For the Judaizers who would make you a Jew first and then let you be a Christian was a poor understanding of the Law and grace. So their talk is more about what they possess and that they are special.
Today we don’t have the Judaizers in that sense of Circumcision, but for sure many of us depend on the works of the flesh to prove ourselves successful. Rather than depending on the work on the cross and resting in the relationship in Christ, we slog hard in our flesh to title ourselves righteous and Chosen one. We tend to boast in our achievements. Our talks are more about ourselves and what we have and what we have done, rather than what Jesus has done. Thus when we are more dependent on the things of the flesh, disappointment is bound to come, which robs us of our joy in Christ. As we begin this week, let us boast in Christ and nothing else.
Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at Pastorstanleytisac@gmail.com
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