Monday, 19 February 2018

What's your outer clothing ?

During World War II, England needed to increase its production of coal. Winston Churchill called together labor leaders to enlist their support. At the end of his presentation he asked them to picture in their minds a parade which he knew would be held in Picadilly Circus after the war.

First, he said, would come the sailors who had kept the vital sea lanes open. Then would come the soldiers who had come home from Dunkirk and then gone on to defeat Rommel in Africa. Then would come the pilots who had driven the Luftwaffe from the sky.
Last of all, he said, would come a long line of sweat-stained, soot-streaked men in miner's caps. Someone would cry from the crowd, 'And where were you during the critical days of our struggle?' And from ten thousand throats would come the answer, 'We were deep in the earth with our faces to the coal.'"

Not all the jobs in a church are prominent and glamorous. But it is often the people with their "facs to the coal" who help the church accomplish its mission.

John-13:3,4 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.

In this world of pomp and show, we often get carried away. Just like the world our flesh also seeks for recognition, position and lots of power. Apostle John talks about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. What, Jesus washing the feet of the disciples ? You heard that right. Over next few days we will try to learn some spiritual truths in this Audio-Visual teaching moment of Jesus’ ministry.

Right before Jesus washed the feet of disciples, he took off his outer clothing and was dressed like a servant. Cos it won't be easy to clean while wearing the traditional Jewish dress. He donned the dress of a servant and yet He was Savior of the world and the teacher and the healer and what not. Coming down did not put him down. Being a Son/daughter of God, you are called to serve, but you might have to take off that robe once in a while. What is your robe ?

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

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