Monday, 4 June 2018

Lessons from a defeat

Joshua Chapter 7 talks about the battle of AI. In the first 6 chapters of the book of Joshua, the Israelites have experienced victory with God in their side. First, they crossed river Jordan when the water stood still and then in chapter 5 & 6 the wall of Jericho fell. Everything happened in their favour and there was nothing to complain. However, something happened in chapter 7.

While conquering Jericho, God had given two conditions. One, everything living is to be destroyed and two, all valuables were to be part of Lord's treasury. Unfortunately, one person named Achan kept some valuables with him and did not deposit it in Lord's treasury. Because of this sin, God was not pleased and Israelites lost the battle to AI which was a small city compared to Jericho.

Four things to learn here:

1. God detests unfaithfulness: God is a faithful God and He expects faithfulness from His people.

2. God holds the whole community of Israel accountable: Joshua 7:1 says "the Lord's anger burned against Israel". God viewed the nation as a unit. We should recognise that in the community of believers, sin of one believer impacts the rest and the whole community loses out on God's blessings.

3. Everything is in the knowledge of God: God is omniscient. He knows all. Sometimes we think that we can escape God's attention by trying to hide sin from Him. However, it is a reminder that sin never escapes His watchful eye.

4. Sin is a serious issue for God: There is nothing called a small sin. Sin has dangerous consequences. God takes sin seriously because He is holy and no semblance of sin can exist in the presence of His holiness

Dr. Sanjay Patra

Sanjay is a Bible teacher and a mentor to Crossway leadership. He has a Ph.D. in commerce and is a qualified Chartered Accountant. He works as the Director of FMSF and is an advisor to the German embassy on secondary matters.

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