Friday, 17 July 2015

Experience Life in the Liberty of Christ

Galatians 5:1

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage….”

I heard this story about a bear cub that was rescued after her mother had been hit by a car. The cub was put in a temporary 12 x 12 cage by a wildlife rescue habitat until they could decide what to do with her. Day after day the cub just paced back and forth — from one end of the cage to the other—pining for her mother. Months passed by, and no concrete decision was reached as to the future of the bear. In the meantime, she began to grow rapidly. She became proficient in moving about within her 12 x 12 cage. Since she was soon going to outgrow the cage, the bear’s handlers decided to enlarge her world, and built a 36 x 36 foot cage, so that it would allow her lot more room to experience her caged up life. To the amazement of the handlers, even in the new, enlarged surrounding, the bear continued to live her life as though she was still in the 12 x 12 cage. The problem was that it was still hostage to the limitations of the old life. Although the animal had been promoted to a whole new environment, it didn’t let go the old habits that had been learned in her old environment.

Many Christians are like this bear. We are so determined to live under the limitations and restrictions of a performance-based approach to Christian living. Sometimes I wonder if we can even handle the new freedom of living under grace. We continue to live our lives limited by the law, not realizing that we’ve been set free to a lot more room under grace. That is why Paul reminds us not to live the life we lived when we were in darkness, but walk as children of the light. Grace has set us free to live in true freedom.

Stephen Thomas

Stephen is an ordained Christian Minister and a Bible teacher who is a mentor to several youth leaders in Crossway Church and around the globe. He is a regular visiting Speaker in Crossway Church, New Delhi. He can be reached at

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