Tuesday, 12 May 2015

It is God who works

Acts 4. 3-4 They seized Peter and John and, because it was evening, they put them in jail until the next day. 4 But many who heard the message believed; so the number of men who believed grew to about five thousand.

              Going to prison is always considered as the end of one’s life and character. Unless it is for a larger cause. Generally it is accepted that the person can never get back to the same status  after being behind the bars.

Peter and John were arrested and put in prison for a whole night. It seemed that once again the Sanhedrin had been successful in curbing the movement. But in spite of being in prison the message of the cross was spreading real good. People were turning away from sin and turning to God. The number of believers grew to 5000 in such hostile conditions.  Because it is God who works and make things happen.

Several times we are so much worried about our future and present based on our status and work. Yes, we should be concerned but let us not worry. God holds our tomorrow and know how to deal with things. The results and success that we see comes from God and nothing else. Because it is God who works and make things happen.  

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at Stanleytisac@gmail.com

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