Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Fixing my eyes on HIM !!!

Luke 23: 54-56

Many of us can testify to the fact that we met with the Lord due to one’s Church, family or maybe a friend, neighbour. Isn’t it great that there are so many ways to get to know the Lord and grow in Him. Honestly speaking whatever might be the medium, the important aspect is to know God and get closer to Him.  But More often than not we tend to lose the focus from God to the person who led us to Christ.

The women who were at the cross when Jesus was being crucified accompanied Joseph of Arimathea and probably  Nicodemus to bury Jesus. Primarily Jewish leaders were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus. The High priest led the trial and made sure Jesus was dead. But that did not stop the women in observing the Sabbath. They observed the commandments because it was from God. They did not care whether the custodians of the law were right or wrong. Those Women and many others followed God and nobody else.

Sometimes the depth of our Spiritual life depends on the people who helped us know Christ. It is absolutely great to find some inspirations. But it is lame to find somebody's weakness and use that as an escape route to put our guard down. One might have known the Lord through someone and it is expected that he/she must continue to stand firm in the Lord. But even if he/she doesn't you and I must fix our eyes on the Lord and continue to grow in Him and do the right thing.

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

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