Tuesday, 7 April 2015

HE is having HIS way

Luke 24:19-21

           More often than not everyone has an intention in doing anything. We are living in such a selfish world that we expect some or the other thing in everything that we do. There is surely nothing wrong in expecting after attempting. But if one hasn’t understood the large picture, the progress might not feel that great.

              Several of the disciples and many followers of Jesus were expecting Jesus to redeem Israel. They had expected Jesus to overthrow the Roman government and make them the rulers and kings. So selfish and narrow-minded. Jesus was thinking about the whole humankind of all the all ages and the KINGDOM OF GOD. But those with Him were only interested in their life, nation and age. They were disappointed because Jesus did not do what they wanted. Had He done it, nothing would have changed. It would have only become a greater mess.

               Most of the times our issue is not that He said something wrong, but we did not hear it right. Our disappointment is not that He did not do it, but He did not work my way. God will never work yours or my way cos we just don’t have it in us. His way is the best. You and I are part of that larger cause and that bigger picture. Lets be excited when things don’t go our way, because HE IS HAVING HIS WAY.

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at Stanleytisac@gmail.com

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