Wednesday, 8 April 2015

I was blind but now I will see

Luke 24 : 33-35

                   Those of us who have been wrong would understand the value of making amends to it. Normally we do look forward to set things right and get going. But what all of us require is that we get to realize that we are wrong and more often than not get an opportunity to recover.

                   The two disciples who had gone to Emmaus were extremely disappointed and had lost all their hope in Christ. But the Lord did not lose His hope on them. He pursued them with His love and spoke scripture to them. It is for sure that they did not have anything urgent in Emmaus and were just going away from Jerusalem because of their frustration. By going away they had also affected the morale of the whole set of disciples and followers who were left fearing in Jerusalem. But once their eyes were opened they did not wait anymore. They went running to Jerusalem and shared the joy and encouraged others.     

                  It takes great humility to follow Christ and to grow in His love and knowledge. We can make mistakes. But what really matters is, When our eyes are opened and we realize our mistake, are we ready to set things right ? In our frustration we not only affect ourselves but also bring down those with us. Thus, it is very necessary to get back and keep going for the Kingdom purpose.

Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at

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