Go for it
Acts 1.20
If you would have noticed, then there are opportunities everywhere. Some seize it and some let it go away. At one point or the other time in life, all of us are offered an opportunity to be leaders. It depends whether we are ready to take it with the right intention or reject it away. Facebook is a story of one man seizing an opportunity to make billion and also impacting several all over the world. Likewise we are bombarded with opportunities to make a difference in this dying world.
When Judas could not get his intentions fulfilled being with Jesus. He betrayed Jesus and finally took his own life. His place was left open. So the Apostles got together and selected Matthias. Of course not much is known about what happened to Matthias afterwards. But for sure he was going to be one of the 12 to sit on the throne to judge the 12 Jewish tribes during the judgement. Now it just can’t get better than that.
You and I have missed so many opportunities in the past. Big or small, it hardly matters. An attitude to give helps us to achieve the so called impossible. So, Lets be able to grab every opportunity that comes our way with both our hands to make a difference, and it will inturn do so so and so good for us. Go for it.
Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at Stanleytisac@gmail.com
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