Acts 2.7 - Utterly amazed, they asked: "Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans?
The other day I heard a preacher who took pride in his humble background. I was excited by his take on the happenings in the past. Every time you and I move ahead in leadership and life, people will always look into our past.
The Jews from Galilee were considered 2nd class Jews. They were not respected at all in the Jewish religious society. But when Jesus began to use people for the expansion of the kingdom of God, he used ordinary Galileans. But they were not spared by the so called devout Jews. They will never.
When you and I are chosen and used by God in any facet of life, let's be ready to face criticism and words of discouragement. Our ministry is not defined by the brownie points some give. It is not even attested by quantity, but by the call that is placed on us. Let's us not be discouraged when people highlight our past and put us down. But let's keep going.
Stanley Thomas Isac
Stanley is serving as the Pastor of Crossway Church in New Delhi, he can be reached at
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